LIVE EVENT: On Sept 17 @ 8pm ET come learn how this breakthrough technology can save property managers and landlords 3 hours per day on average!
Take a minute to imagine the perfect leasing process. You generate an inquiry to a property, have a phone conversation to position the new lead, have the potential tenant apply, review the application and, if approved, you book a showing. Next, you will conduct your showing, close the deal, get the lease signed and receive your deposit.
If this is how every lease worked, you would be walking on cloud nine. Unfortunately, we are all too familiar with the common trouble spots that end up jamming the gears of the leasing process. Those main issues are:
- Hours and hours of chasing people to book a call
- Not properly positioning the property from the start
- Time wasted simply chasing applications
- Hours lost to repeated booked showings
- The admin notices
These five time-wasters are what used to interrupt the leasing workflow time and time again — but no more.

Introducing an all-new automated leasing program with remiOnline!
The team at remi360 Marketing Solutions have built what they call ‘remiOnline,’ an all-in-one marketing powerhouse built to compile every last leasing tool you need into one system, streamlining the leasing process and saving you valuable time. When it comes to leasing, the remiOnline system acts as what we at Visture Property Management Peterborough like to call a Leasing Robot. A Leasing Robot describes any system that will automate the vast majority of the leasing process while also accepting input from the user for better customizability.
Let us give you an example. The remiOnline system reflects any user’s unique sales process, or their ‘pipeline.’ Through triggers, the system can automatically adjust your leads along your pipeline depending on what stage they should be at. Say a potential tenant has booked a call with you through remiOnline’s custom forms — the system knows to generate that booking in your calendar, notify you of the booking, generate this new lead in your remiOnline contacts, as well as place this new lead in your pipeline allowing you to receive that crucial business data the moment it adjusts.

Various leads have been automatically placed inside two stages of this pipeline, ‘Showing Pending’ and ‘Showing Confirmed’
All five issues are solved by using this Leasing Robot, and it is the remiOnline system that powers it. The integrated CRM manages the pipeline of all tenants, and with the built-in text message and email system, all of your business communication needs are in one place. While you can send out custom messages to your leads, all texts and emails come already written for you to help further automate the entire process.
You will receive automated admin notifications. These include notifications to the admin team for checks, notifications to owners when approval is required, and even notifications to accounting when a deposit is coming. What’s best is that the setup of remiOnline is already completely done for you. All you need to do is answer some questions, and the remi360 team will customize the system to meet your exact needs. This entire system, along with Visture Property Management Peterborough’s Virtual Staging service combine to become the ultimate leasing time saver!
Don’t ever wonder what the perfect leasing process might look like. Experience it by experiencing remiOnline. Contact remi360 today to sign up!