Covid19 Response Plan For Tenants
Times are strange, times are unpredictable, and soon, times may be tough. It seems like on a daily basis, our government is making a public announcement declaring a new strategy to handle COVID-19. While we trust that these methods will surely help keep us Canadians healthy and safe, some of us to worry when it comes to financially supporting ourselves.
Please listen to the short video that we put together for you:
Early this week, our government listed the essential services that will be staying open during these uncertain times and thankfully, it is quite a long list. We recommend that you have a look so you can better determine whether or not your job or business will be affected for the foreseeable future.
This list is just as helpful when it comes to leaving your home. Please plan ahead and make thoughtful trips, and keep these outings to a minimum. Businesses are taking great measures of care to assure that exposure is at its lowest. So help them continue this effort by staying home if you are sick, ask for help where it’s offered and use all protective measures when out and about.
If your employment is affected, and you are facing reduced hours or job-loss for an undetermined amount of time, don’t fret because there are options to keep you on your feet. We at Visture Property Management understand that these circumstances are without rules and we are here to offer you a helping hand in finding you the support that you will need.
Trudeau took to the podium to announce the support that will be available to Canadians and just recently, with minor alterations, it has passed through legislation. This means that we are one step closer to having the support readily available to us.
On another good note, Ontario is stepping up and also providing some relief to us fellow Ontarians. These progressive measures include adapting the Emergency Assistance program to this pandemic, additional support to those already on Social Assistance, enforcing helpful steps in reducing the risk of catching and spreading the virus in the workplace, and financially aiding municipalities in creating support for you. Please review the positive steps our province and city is taking in the links below :
What does this mean to you, as a renter? Well, the government put a lot of thought behind their choices and while evictions are put on hold, they are not halting the eviction process. So, rather than renters across the country avoiding paying their rent and eventually ending up in large debts when this is all over, they are giving you some financial stability to keep our rent system running as normal as possible. On a daily basis, we monitor any information and updates that are released. We are dedicated to being informed about all the financial support that is available, and what may be best for your specific situation.
We want to work with you to get through these unstable times. So please reach out to us and open a line of communication if you think you may need help, not just with paying your rent but for anything that Visture Property Management can do for you!
In closing, please remember to practice good, basic hygiene such as:
- Using soap around the home to wash your hands and counter tops it’s safer and healthier than using sanitizer.
- Keeping a safe distance (6 feet/2 meters) will protect you.
- Not inviting people in your personal living space
- Don’t congregate in public areas unnecessarily. only for your immediate needs.
- Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze
- And a bit of common sense don’t hord there will be plenty for all of us if we buy just whaat we consume.
Be well and be safe
Visture Property Management & Team